
class polyfactory.field_meta.Null[source]

Bases: object

Sentinel class for empty values

class polyfactory.field_meta.UrlConstraints[source]

Bases: TypedDict

class polyfactory.field_meta.Constraints[source]

Bases: TypedDict

Metadata regarding a type constraints, if any

class polyfactory.field_meta.FieldMeta[source]

Bases: object

Factory field metadata container. This class is used to store the data about a field of a factory’s model.

__init__(*, name: str, annotation: type, random: Random | None = None, default: Any = <class 'polyfactory.field_meta.Null'>, children: list[FieldMeta] | None = None, constraints: Constraints | None = None) None[source]

Create a factory field metadata instance.

property type_args: tuple[Any, ...]

Return the normalized type args of the annotation, if any.


a tuple of types.

classmethod from_type(annotation: Any, random: Random = <random.Random object>, name: str = '', default: Any = <class 'polyfactory.field_meta.Null'>, constraints: Constraints | None = None, randomize_collection_length: bool | None = None, min_collection_length: int | None = None, max_collection_length: int | None = None, children: list[FieldMeta] | None = None) Self[source]

Builder method to create a FieldMeta from a type annotation.

  • annotation – A type annotation.

  • random – An instance of random.Random.

  • name – Field name

  • default – Default value, if any.

  • constraints – A dictionary of constraints, if any.

  • randomize_collection_length – A boolean flag whether to randomize collections lengths

  • min_collection_length – Minimum number of elements in randomized collection

  • max_collection_length – Maximum number of elements in randomized collection


A field meta instance.

classmethod get_constraints_metadata(annotation: Any) Sequence[Any][source]

Get the metadatas of the constraints from the given annotation.

  • annotation – A type annotation.

  • random – An instance of random.Random.


A list of the metadata in the annotation.