Source code for polyfactory.value_generators.constrained_numbers

from __future__ import annotations

from decimal import Decimal
from sys import float_info
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Protocol, TypeVar, cast

from polyfactory.exceptions import ParameterException
from polyfactory.value_generators.primitives import create_random_decimal, create_random_float, create_random_integer

    from random import Random

T = TypeVar("T", Decimal, int, float)

[docs]class NumberGeneratorProtocol(Protocol[T]): """Protocol for custom callables used to generate numerical values"""
[docs] def __call__(self, random: "Random", minimum: T | None = None, maximum: T | None = None) -> T: """Signature of the callable. :param random: An instance of random. :param minimum: A minimum value. :param maximum: A maximum value. :return: The generated numeric value. """ ...
[docs]def almost_equal_floats(value_1: float, value_2: float, *, delta: float = 1e-8) -> bool: """Return True if two floats are almost equal :param value_1: A float value. :param value_2: A float value. :param delta: A minimal delta. :returns: Boolean dictating whether the floats can be considered equal - given python's problematic comparison of floats. """ return abs(value_1 - value_2) <= delta
[docs]def is_multiply_of_multiple_of_in_range( minimum: T, maximum: T, multiple_of: T, ) -> bool: """Determine if at least one multiply of `multiple_of` lies in the given range. :param minimum: T: A minimum value. :param maximum: T: A maximum value. :param multiple_of: T: A value to use as a base for multiplication. :returns: Boolean dictating whether at least one multiply of `multiple_of` lies in the given range between minimum and maximum. """ # if the range has infinity on one of its ends then infinite number of multipliers # can be found within the range # if we were given floats and multiple_of is really close to zero then it doesn't make sense # to continue trying to check the range if ( isinstance(minimum, float) and isinstance(multiple_of, float) and minimum / multiple_of in [float("+inf"), float("-inf")] ): return False multiplier = round(minimum / multiple_of) step = 1 if multiple_of > 0 else -1 # since rounding can go either up or down we may end up in a situation when # minimum is less or equal to `multiplier * multiple_of` # or when it is greater than `multiplier * multiple_of` # (in this case minimum is less than `(multiplier + 1)* multiple_of`). So we need to check # that any of two values is inside the given range. ASCII graphic below explain this # # minimum # -----------------+-------+-----------------------------------+---------------------------- # # # minimum # -------------------------+--------+--------------------------+---------------------------- # # since `multiple_of` can be a negative number adding +1 to `multiplier` drives `(multiplier + 1) * multiple_of`` # away from `minimum` to the -infinity. It looks like this: # minimum # -----------------------+--------------------------------+------------------------+-------- # # so for negative `multiple_of` we want to subtract 1 from multiplier for multiply in [multiplier * multiple_of, (multiplier + step) * multiple_of]: multiply_float = float(multiply) if ( almost_equal_floats(multiply_float, float(minimum)) or almost_equal_floats(multiply_float, float(maximum)) or minimum < multiply < maximum ): return True return False
[docs]def passes_pydantic_multiple_validator(value: T, multiple_of: T) -> bool: """Determine whether a given value passes the pydantic multiple_of validation. :param value: A numeric value. :param multiple_of: Another numeric value. :returns: Boolean dictating whether value is a multiple of value. """ if multiple_of == 0: return True mod = float(value) / float(multiple_of) % 1 return almost_equal_floats(mod, 0.0) or almost_equal_floats(mod, 1.0)
[docs]def get_increment(t_type: type[T]) -> T: """Get a small increment base to add to constrained values, i.e. lt/gt entries. :param t_type: A value of type T. :returns: An increment T. """ values: dict[Any, Any] = { int: 1, float: float_info.epsilon, Decimal: Decimal("0.001"), } return cast("T", values[t_type])
[docs]def get_value_or_none( t_type: type[T], lt: T | None = None, le: T | None = None, gt: T | None = None, ge: T | None = None, ) -> tuple[T | None, T | None]: """Return an optional value. :param equal_value: An GE/LE value. :param constrained: An GT/LT value. :param increment: increment :returns: Optional T. """ if ge is not None: minimum_value = ge elif gt is not None: minimum_value = gt + get_increment(t_type) else: minimum_value = None if le is not None: maximum_value = le elif lt is not None: maximum_value = lt - get_increment(t_type) else: maximum_value = None return minimum_value, maximum_value
[docs]def get_constrained_number_range( t_type: type[T], random: Random, lt: T | None = None, le: T | None = None, gt: T | None = None, ge: T | None = None, multiple_of: T | None = None, ) -> tuple[T | None, T | None]: """Return the minimum and maximum values given a field_meta's constraints. :param t_type: A primitive constructor - int, float or Decimal. :param random: An instance of Random. :param lt: Less than value. :param le: Less than or equal value. :param gt: Greater than value. :param ge: Greater than or equal value. :param multiple_of: Multiple of value. :returns: a tuple of optional minimum and maximum values. """ seed = t_type(random.random() * 10) minimum, maximum = get_value_or_none(lt=lt, le=le, gt=gt, ge=ge, t_type=t_type) if minimum is not None and maximum is not None and maximum < minimum: msg = "maximum value must be greater than minimum value" raise ParameterException(msg) if multiple_of is None: if minimum is not None and maximum is None: return (minimum, seed) if minimum == 0 else (minimum, minimum + seed) # pyright: ignore[reportGeneralTypeIssues] if maximum is not None and minimum is None: return maximum - seed, maximum else: if multiple_of == 0.0: # TODO: investigate @guacs # noqa: FIX002 msg = "multiple_of can not be zero" raise ParameterException(msg) if ( minimum is not None and maximum is not None and not is_multiply_of_multiple_of_in_range(minimum=minimum, maximum=maximum, multiple_of=multiple_of) ): msg = "given range should include at least one multiply of multiple_of" raise ParameterException(msg) return minimum, maximum
[docs]def generate_constrained_number( random: Random, minimum: T | None, maximum: T | None, multiple_of: T | None, method: "NumberGeneratorProtocol[T]", ) -> T: """Generate a constrained number, output depends on the passed in callbacks. :param random: An instance of random. :param minimum: A minimum value. :param maximum: A maximum value. :param multiple_of: A multiple of value. :param method: A function that generates numbers of type T. :returns: A value of type T. """ if minimum is None or maximum is None: return multiple_of if multiple_of is not None else method(random=random) if multiple_of is None: return method(random=random, minimum=minimum, maximum=maximum) if multiple_of >= minimum: return multiple_of result = minimum while not passes_pydantic_multiple_validator(result, multiple_of): result = round(method(random=random, minimum=minimum, maximum=maximum) / multiple_of) * multiple_of return result
[docs]def handle_constrained_int( random: Random, multiple_of: int | None = None, gt: int | None = None, ge: int | None = None, lt: int | None = None, le: int | None = None, ) -> int: """Handle constrained integers. :param random: An instance of Random. :param lt: Less than value. :param le: Less than or equal value. :param gt: Greater than value. :param ge: Greater than or equal value. :param multiple_of: Multiple of value. :returns: An integer. """ minimum, maximum = get_constrained_number_range( gt=gt, ge=ge, lt=lt, le=le, t_type=int, multiple_of=multiple_of, random=random, ) return generate_constrained_number( random=random, minimum=minimum, maximum=maximum, multiple_of=multiple_of, method=create_random_integer, )
[docs]def handle_constrained_float( random: Random, multiple_of: float | None = None, gt: float | None = None, ge: float | None = None, lt: float | None = None, le: float | None = None, ) -> float: """Handle constrained floats. :param random: An instance of Random. :param lt: Less than value. :param le: Less than or equal value. :param gt: Greater than value. :param ge: Greater than or equal value. :param multiple_of: Multiple of value. :returns: A float. """ minimum, maximum = get_constrained_number_range( gt=gt, ge=ge, lt=lt, le=le, t_type=float, multiple_of=multiple_of, random=random, ) return generate_constrained_number( random=random, minimum=minimum, maximum=maximum, multiple_of=multiple_of, method=create_random_float, )
[docs]def validate_max_digits( max_digits: int, minimum: Decimal | None, decimal_places: int | None, ) -> None: """Validate that max digits is greater than minimum and decimal places. :param max_digits: The maximal number of digits for the decimal. :param minimum: Minimal value. :param decimal_places: Number of decimal places :returns: 'None' """ if max_digits <= 0: msg = "max_digits must be greater than 0" raise ParameterException(msg) if minimum is not None: min_str = str(minimum).split(".")[1] if "." in str(minimum) else str(minimum) if max_digits <= len(min_str): msg = "minimum is greater than max_digits" raise ParameterException(msg) if decimal_places is not None and max_digits <= decimal_places: msg = "max_digits must be greater than decimal places" raise ParameterException(msg)
[docs]def handle_decimal_length( generated_decimal: Decimal, decimal_places: int | None, max_digits: int | None, ) -> Decimal: """Handle the length of the decimal. :param generated_decimal: A decimal value. :param decimal_places: Number of decimal places. :param max_digits: Maximal number of digits. """ string_number = str(generated_decimal) sign = "-" if "-" in string_number else "+" string_number = string_number.replace("-", "") whole_numbers, decimals = string_number.split(".") if (max_digits is not None and decimal_places is not None and len(whole_numbers) + decimal_places > max_digits) or ( (max_digits is None or decimal_places is None) and max_digits is not None ): max_decimals = max_digits - len(whole_numbers) elif max_digits is not None: max_decimals = decimal_places # type: ignore[assignment] else: max_decimals = cast("int", decimal_places) if max_decimals < 0: # pyright: ignore[reportOptionalOperand] return Decimal(sign + whole_numbers[:max_decimals]) decimals = decimals[:max_decimals] return Decimal(sign + whole_numbers + "." + decimals[:decimal_places])
[docs]def handle_constrained_decimal( random: Random, multiple_of: Decimal | None = None, decimal_places: int | None = None, max_digits: int | None = None, gt: Decimal | None = None, ge: Decimal | None = None, lt: Decimal | None = None, le: Decimal | None = None, ) -> Decimal: """Handle a constrained decimal. :param random: An instance of Random. :param multiple_of: Multiple of value. :param decimal_places: Number of decimal places. :param max_digits: Maximal number of digits. :param lt: Less than value. :param le: Less than or equal value. :param gt: Greater than value. :param ge: Greater than or equal value. :returns: A decimal. """ minimum, maximum = get_constrained_number_range( gt=gt, ge=ge, lt=lt, le=le, multiple_of=multiple_of, t_type=Decimal, random=random, ) if max_digits is not None: validate_max_digits(max_digits=max_digits, minimum=minimum, decimal_places=decimal_places) generated_decimal = generate_constrained_number( random=random, minimum=minimum, maximum=maximum, multiple_of=multiple_of, method=create_random_decimal, ) if max_digits is not None or decimal_places is not None: return handle_decimal_length( generated_decimal=generated_decimal, max_digits=max_digits, decimal_places=decimal_places, ) return generated_decimal