Source code for polyfactory.factories.pydantic_factory

from __future__ import annotations

import copy
from contextlib import suppress
from datetime import timezone
from functools import partial
from os.path import realpath
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, ClassVar, ForwardRef, Generic, Mapping, Tuple, TypeVar, cast
from uuid import NAMESPACE_DNS, uuid1, uuid3, uuid5

from typing_extensions import Literal, get_args, get_origin

from polyfactory.collection_extender import CollectionExtender
from polyfactory.constants import DEFAULT_RANDOM
from polyfactory.exceptions import MissingDependencyException
from polyfactory.factories.base import BaseFactory, BuildContext
from polyfactory.factories.base import BuildContext as BaseBuildContext
from polyfactory.field_meta import Constraints, FieldMeta, Null
from polyfactory.utils.deprecation import check_for_deprecated_parameters
from polyfactory.utils.helpers import unwrap_new_type, unwrap_optional
from polyfactory.utils.predicates import is_optional, is_safe_subclass, is_union
from polyfactory.utils.types import NoneType
from polyfactory.value_generators.primitives import create_random_bytes

    import pydantic
    from pydantic import (
    from pydantic.fields import FieldInfo
except ImportError as e:
    msg = "pydantic is not installed"
    raise MissingDependencyException(msg) from e

    # pydantic v1
    import pydantic as pydantic_v1
    from pydantic import BaseModel as BaseModelV1

    # Keep this import last to prevent warnings from pydantic if pydantic v2
    # is installed.
    from pydantic.color import Color
    from pydantic.fields import (  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
        DeferredType,  # pyright: ignore[attr-defined,reportAttributeAccessIssue]
        ModelField,  # pyright: ignore[attr-defined,reportAttributeAccessIssue]
        Undefined,  # pyright: ignore[attr-defined,reportAttributeAccessIssue]

    # prevent unbound variable warnings
    BaseModelV2 = BaseModelV1
    UndefinedV2 = Undefined
except ImportError:
    # pydantic v2

    # v2 specific imports
    from pydantic import BaseModel as BaseModelV2
    from pydantic_core import PydanticUndefined as UndefinedV2
    from pydantic_core import to_json

    import pydantic.v1 as pydantic_v1  # type: ignore[no-redef]
    from pydantic.v1 import BaseModel as BaseModelV1  # type: ignore[assignment]
    from pydantic.v1.color import Color  # type: ignore[assignment]
    from pydantic.v1.fields import DeferredType, ModelField, Undefined

    from collections import abc
    from random import Random
    from typing import Callable, Sequence

    from typing_extensions import NotRequired, TypeGuard

T = TypeVar("T", bound="BaseModelV1 | BaseModelV2")  # pyright: ignore[reportInvalidTypeForm]

_IS_PYDANTIC_V1 = VERSION.startswith("1")

[docs]class PydanticBuildContext(BaseBuildContext): factory_use_construct: bool
[docs]class PydanticConstraints(Constraints): """Metadata regarding a Pydantic type constraints, if any""" json: NotRequired[bool]
[docs]class PydanticFieldMeta(FieldMeta): """Field meta subclass capable of handling pydantic ModelFields"""
[docs] def __init__( self, *, name: str, annotation: type, random: Random | None = None, default: Any = ..., children: list[FieldMeta] | None = None, constraints: PydanticConstraints | None = None, ) -> None: super().__init__( name=name, annotation=annotation, random=random, default=default, children=children, constraints=constraints, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_field_info( cls, field_name: str, field_info: FieldInfo, use_alias: bool, random: Random | None, randomize_collection_length: bool | None = None, min_collection_length: int | None = None, max_collection_length: int | None = None, ) -> PydanticFieldMeta: """Create an instance from a pydantic field info. :param field_name: The name of the field. :param field_info: A pydantic FieldInfo instance. :param use_alias: Whether to use the field alias. :param random: A random.Random instance. :param randomize_collection_length: Whether to randomize collection length. :param min_collection_length: Minimum collection length. :param max_collection_length: Maximum collection length. :returns: A PydanticFieldMeta instance. """ check_for_deprecated_parameters( "2.11.0", parameters=( ("randomize_collection_length", randomize_collection_length), ("min_collection_length", min_collection_length), ("max_collection_length", max_collection_length), ), ) if callable(field_info.default_factory): default_value = field_info.default_factory else: default_value = field_info.default if field_info.default is not UndefinedV2 else Null annotation = unwrap_new_type(field_info.annotation) children: list[FieldMeta,] | None = None name = field_info.alias if field_info.alias and use_alias else field_name constraints: PydanticConstraints # pydantic v2 does not always propagate metadata for Union types if is_union(annotation): constraints = {} children = [] for arg in get_args(annotation): if arg is NoneType: continue child_field_info = FieldInfo.from_annotation(arg) merged_field_info = FieldInfo.merge_field_infos(field_info, child_field_info) children.append( cls.from_field_info( field_name="", field_info=merged_field_info, use_alias=use_alias, random=random, ), ) else: metadata, is_json = [], False for m in field_info.metadata: if not is_json and isinstance(m, Json): # type: ignore[misc] is_json = True elif m is not None: metadata.append(m) constraints = cast( PydanticConstraints, cls.parse_constraints(metadata=metadata) if metadata else {}, ) if "url" in constraints: # pydantic uses a sentinel value for url constraints annotation = str if is_json: constraints["json"] = True return PydanticFieldMeta.from_type( annotation=annotation, children=children, constraints=cast("Constraints", {k: v for k, v in constraints.items() if v is not None}) or None, default=default_value, name=name, random=random or DEFAULT_RANDOM, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_model_field( # pragma: no cover cls, model_field: ModelField, # pyright: ignore[reportGeneralTypeIssues] use_alias: bool, randomize_collection_length: bool | None = None, min_collection_length: int | None = None, max_collection_length: int | None = None, random: Random = DEFAULT_RANDOM, ) -> PydanticFieldMeta: """Create an instance from a pydantic model field. :param model_field: A pydantic ModelField. :param use_alias: Whether to use the field alias. :param randomize_collection_length: A boolean flag whether to randomize collections lengths :param min_collection_length: Minimum number of elements in randomized collection :param max_collection_length: Maximum number of elements in randomized collection :param random: An instance of random.Random. :returns: A PydanticFieldMeta instance. """ check_for_deprecated_parameters( "2.11.0", parameters=( ("randomize_collection_length", randomize_collection_length), ("min_collection_length", min_collection_length), ("max_collection_length", max_collection_length), ), ) if model_field.default is not Undefined: default_value = model_field.default elif callable(model_field.default_factory): default_value = model_field.default_factory() else: default_value = model_field.default if model_field.default is not Undefined else Null name = model_field.alias if model_field.alias and use_alias else outer_type = unwrap_new_type(model_field.outer_type_) annotation = ( model_field.outer_type_ if isinstance(model_field.annotation, (DeferredType, ForwardRef)) else unwrap_new_type(model_field.annotation) ) constraints = cast( "Constraints", { "ge": getattr(outer_type, "ge",, "gt": getattr(outer_type, "gt",, "le": getattr(outer_type, "le", model_field.field_info.le), "lt": getattr(outer_type, "lt",, "min_length": ( getattr(outer_type, "min_length", model_field.field_info.min_length) or getattr(outer_type, "min_items", model_field.field_info.min_items) ), "max_length": ( getattr(outer_type, "max_length", model_field.field_info.max_length) or getattr(outer_type, "max_items", model_field.field_info.max_items) ), "pattern": getattr(outer_type, "regex", model_field.field_info.regex), "unique_items": getattr(outer_type, "unique_items", model_field.field_info.unique_items), "decimal_places": getattr(outer_type, "decimal_places", None), "max_digits": getattr(outer_type, "max_digits", None), "multiple_of": getattr(outer_type, "multiple_of", None), "upper_case": getattr(outer_type, "to_upper", None), "lower_case": getattr(outer_type, "to_lower", None), "item_type": getattr(outer_type, "item_type", None), }, ) # pydantic v1 has constraints set for these values, but we generate them using faker if unwrap_optional(annotation) in ( AnyUrl, HttpUrl, pydantic_v1.KafkaDsn, pydantic_v1.PostgresDsn, pydantic_v1.RedisDsn, pydantic_v1.AmqpDsn, AnyHttpUrl, ): constraints = {} if model_field.field_info.const and ( default_value is None or isinstance(default_value, (int, bool, str, bytes)) ): annotation = Literal[default_value] # pyright: ignore # noqa: PGH003 children: list[FieldMeta] = [] # Refer #412. args = get_args(model_field.annotation) if is_optional(model_field.annotation) and len(args) == 2: # noqa: PLR2004 child_annotation = args[0] if args[0] is not NoneType else args[1] children.append(PydanticFieldMeta.from_type(child_annotation)) elif model_field.key_field or model_field.sub_fields: fields_to_iterate = ( ([model_field.key_field, *model_field.sub_fields]) if model_field.key_field is not None else model_field.sub_fields ) type_args = tuple( ( sub_field.outer_type_ if isinstance(sub_field.annotation, DeferredType) else unwrap_new_type(sub_field.annotation) ) for sub_field in fields_to_iterate ) type_arg_to_sub_field = dict(zip(type_args, fields_to_iterate)) if get_origin(outer_type) in (tuple, Tuple) and get_args(outer_type)[-1] == Ellipsis: # pydantic removes ellipses from Tuples in sub_fields type_args += (...,) extended_type_args = CollectionExtender.extend_type_args(annotation, type_args, 1) children.extend( PydanticFieldMeta.from_model_field( model_field=type_arg_to_sub_field[arg], use_alias=use_alias, random=random, ) for arg in extended_type_args ) return PydanticFieldMeta( name=name, random=random or DEFAULT_RANDOM, annotation=annotation, # pyright: ignore[reportArgumentType] children=children or None, default=default_value, constraints=cast("PydanticConstraints", {k: v for k, v in constraints.items() if v is not None}) or None, )
if not _IS_PYDANTIC_V1:
[docs] @classmethod def get_constraints_metadata(cls, annotation: Any) -> Sequence[Any]: metadata = [] for m in super().get_constraints_metadata(annotation): if isinstance(m, FieldInfo): metadata.extend(m.metadata) else: metadata.append(m) return metadata
[docs]class ModelFactory(Generic[T], BaseFactory[T]): """Base factory for pydantic models""" __forward_ref_resolution_type_mapping__: ClassVar[Mapping[str, type]] = {} __is_base_factory__ = True def __init_subclass__(cls, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super().__init_subclass__(*args, **kwargs) if ( getattr(cls, "__model__", None) and _is_pydantic_v1_model(cls.__model__) and hasattr(cls.__model__, "update_forward_refs") ): with suppress(NameError): # pragma: no cover cls.__model__.update_forward_refs(**cls.__forward_ref_resolution_type_mapping__) # type: ignore[attr-defined]
[docs] @classmethod def is_supported_type(cls, value: Any) -> TypeGuard[type[T]]: """Determine whether the given value is supported by the factory. :param value: An arbitrary value. :returns: A typeguard """ return _is_pydantic_v1_model(value) or _is_pydantic_v2_model(value)
[docs] @classmethod def get_model_fields(cls) -> list["FieldMeta"]: """Retrieve a list of fields from the factory's model. :returns: A list of field MetaData instances. """ if "_fields_metadata" not in cls.__dict__: if _is_pydantic_v1_model(cls.__model__): cls._fields_metadata = [ PydanticFieldMeta.from_model_field( field, use_alias=not cls.__model__.__config__.allow_population_by_field_name, # type: ignore[attr-defined] random=cls.__random__, ) for field in cls.__model__.__fields__.values() ] else: cls._fields_metadata = [ PydanticFieldMeta.from_field_info( field_info=field_info, field_name=field_name, random=cls.__random__, use_alias=not cls.__model__.model_config.get( # pyright: ignore[reportGeneralTypeIssues] "populate_by_name", False, ), ) for field_name, field_info in cls.__model__.model_fields.items() # pyright: ignore[reportGeneralTypeIssues] ] return cls._fields_metadata
@classmethod def get_constrained_field_value( cls, annotation: Any, field_meta: FieldMeta, field_build_parameters: Any | None = None, build_context: BuildContext | None = None, ) -> Any: constraints = cast(PydanticConstraints, field_meta.constraints) if constraints.pop("json", None): value = cls.get_field_value( field_meta, field_build_parameters=field_build_parameters, build_context=build_context ) return to_json(value) # pyright: ignore[reportPossiblyUnboundVariable] return super().get_constrained_field_value( annotation, field_meta, field_build_parameters=field_build_parameters, build_context=build_context )
[docs] @classmethod def build( cls, factory_use_construct: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, ) -> T: """Build an instance of the factory's __model__ :param factory_use_construct: A boolean that determines whether validations will be made when instantiating the model. This is supported only for pydantic models. :param kwargs: Any kwargs. If field_meta names are set in kwargs, their values will be used. :returns: An instance of type T. """ if "_build_context" not in kwargs: kwargs["_build_context"] = PydanticBuildContext( seen_models=set(), factory_use_construct=factory_use_construct ) processed_kwargs = cls.process_kwargs(**kwargs) return cls._create_model(kwargs["_build_context"], **processed_kwargs)
@classmethod def _get_build_context(cls, build_context: BaseBuildContext | PydanticBuildContext | None) -> PydanticBuildContext: """Return a PydanticBuildContext instance. If build_context is None, return a new PydanticBuildContext. :returns: PydanticBuildContext """ if build_context is None: return {"seen_models": set(), "factory_use_construct": False} factory_use_construct = bool(build_context.get("factory_use_construct", False)) return { "seen_models": copy.deepcopy(build_context["seen_models"]), "factory_use_construct": factory_use_construct, } @classmethod def _create_model(cls, _build_context: PydanticBuildContext, **kwargs: Any) -> T: """Create an instance of the factory's __model__ :param _build_context: BuildContext instance. :param kwargs: Model kwargs. :returns: An instance of type T. """ if cls._get_build_context(_build_context).get("factory_use_construct"): if _is_pydantic_v1_model(cls.__model__): return cls.__model__.construct(**kwargs) # type: ignore[return-value] return cls.__model__.model_construct(**kwargs) # type: ignore[return-value] return cls.__model__(**kwargs) # type: ignore[return-value]
[docs] @classmethod def coverage(cls, factory_use_construct: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) -> abc.Iterator[T]: """Build a batch of the factory's Meta.model will full coverage of the sub-types of the model. :param kwargs: Any kwargs. If field_meta names are set in kwargs, their values will be used. :returns: A iterator of instances of type T. """ if "_build_context" not in kwargs: kwargs["_build_context"] = PydanticBuildContext( seen_models=set(), factory_use_construct=factory_use_construct ) for data in cls.process_kwargs_coverage(**kwargs): yield cls._create_model(_build_context=kwargs["_build_context"], **data)
[docs] @classmethod def is_custom_root_field(cls, field_meta: FieldMeta) -> bool: """Determine whether the field is a custom root field. :param field_meta: FieldMeta instance. :returns: A boolean determining whether the field is a custom root. """ return == "__root__"
[docs] @classmethod def should_set_field_value(cls, field_meta: FieldMeta, **kwargs: Any) -> bool: """Determine whether to set a value for a given field_name. This is an override of BaseFactory.should_set_field_value. :param field_meta: FieldMeta instance. :param kwargs: Any kwargs passed to the factory. :returns: A boolean determining whether a value should be set for the given field_meta. """ return not in kwargs and ( not"_") or cls.is_custom_root_field(field_meta) )
[docs] @classmethod def get_provider_map(cls) -> dict[Any, Callable[[], Any]]: mapping: dict[Any, Callable[[], Any]] = { ByteSize: cls.__faker__.pyint, PositiveInt: cls.__faker__.pyint, NegativeFloat: lambda: cls.__random__.uniform(-100, -1), NegativeInt: lambda: cls.__faker__.pyint() * -1, PositiveFloat: cls.__faker__.pyint, NonPositiveFloat: lambda: cls.__random__.uniform(-100, 0), NonNegativeInt: cls.__faker__.pyint, StrictInt: cls.__faker__.pyint, StrictBool: cls.__faker__.pybool, StrictBytes: lambda: create_random_bytes(cls.__random__), StrictFloat: cls.__faker__.pyfloat, StrictStr: cls.__faker__.pystr, EmailStr: cls.__faker__.free_email, NameEmail: cls.__faker__.free_email, Json: cls.__faker__.json, PaymentCardNumber: cls.__faker__.credit_card_number, AnyUrl: cls.__faker__.url, AnyHttpUrl: cls.__faker__.url, HttpUrl: cls.__faker__.url, SecretBytes: lambda: create_random_bytes(cls.__random__), SecretStr: cls.__faker__.pystr, IPvAnyAddress: cls.__faker__.ipv4, IPvAnyInterface: cls.__faker__.ipv4, IPvAnyNetwork: lambda: cls.__faker__.ipv4(network=True), PastDate: cls.__faker__.past_date, FutureDate: cls.__faker__.future_date, } # v1 only values mapping.update( { pydantic_v1.PyObject: lambda: "decimal.Decimal", pydantic_v1.AmqpDsn: lambda: "amqps://", pydantic_v1.KafkaDsn: lambda: "kafka://localhost:9092", pydantic_v1.PostgresDsn: lambda: "postgresql://user@localhost", pydantic_v1.RedisDsn: lambda: "redis://localhost:6379/0", pydantic_v1.FilePath: lambda: Path(realpath(__file__)), pydantic_v1.DirectoryPath: lambda: Path(realpath(__file__)).parent, pydantic_v1.UUID1: uuid1, pydantic_v1.UUID3: lambda: uuid3(NAMESPACE_DNS, cls.__faker__.pystr()), pydantic_v1.UUID4: cls.__faker__.uuid4, pydantic_v1.UUID5: lambda: uuid5(NAMESPACE_DNS, cls.__faker__.pystr()), Color: cls.__faker__.hex_color, # pyright: ignore[reportGeneralTypeIssues] }, ) if not _IS_PYDANTIC_V1: mapping.update( { # pydantic v2 specific types pydantic.PastDatetime: cls.__faker__.past_datetime, pydantic.FutureDatetime: cls.__faker__.future_datetime, pydantic.AwareDatetime: partial(cls.__faker__.date_time, timezone.utc), pydantic.NaiveDatetime: cls.__faker__.date_time, pydantic.networks.AmqpDsn: lambda: "amqps://", pydantic.networks.KafkaDsn: lambda: "kafka://localhost:9092", pydantic.networks.PostgresDsn: lambda: "postgresql://user@localhost", pydantic.networks.RedisDsn: lambda: "redis://localhost:6379/0", pydantic.networks.MongoDsn: lambda: "mongodb://", pydantic.networks.MariaDBDsn: lambda: "mariadb://", pydantic.networks.CockroachDsn: lambda: "cockroachdb://", pydantic.networks.MySQLDsn: lambda: "mysql://", }, ) mapping.update(super().get_provider_map()) return mapping
def _is_pydantic_v1_model(model: Any) -> TypeGuard[BaseModelV1]: return is_safe_subclass(model, BaseModelV1) def _is_pydantic_v2_model(model: Any) -> TypeGuard[BaseModelV2]: # pyright: ignore[reportInvalidTypeForm] return not _IS_PYDANTIC_V1 and is_safe_subclass(model, BaseModelV2)