Source code for polyfactory.decorators

from __future__ import annotations

import contextlib
import inspect
from typing import Any, Callable

from polyfactory import PostGenerated

[docs]class post_generated: # noqa: N801 """Descriptor class for wrapping a classmethod into a ``PostGenerated`` field.""" __slots__ = ("cache", "method")
[docs] def __init__(self, method: Callable | classmethod) -> None: if not isinstance(method, classmethod): msg = "post_generated decorator can only be used on classmethods" raise TypeError(msg) self.method = method self.cache: dict[type, PostGenerated] = {}
def __get__(self, obj: Any, objtype: type) -> PostGenerated: with contextlib.suppress(KeyError): return self.cache[objtype] fn = self.method.__func__ # pyright: ignore[reportFunctionMemberAccess] fn_args = inspect.getfullargspec(fn).args[1:] def new_fn(name: str, values: dict[str, Any]) -> Any: # noqa: ARG001 - investigate @guacs return fn(objtype, **{arg: values[arg] for arg in fn_args if arg in values}) return self.cache.setdefault(objtype, PostGenerated(new_fn))